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Run Docker in Azure CLI


In this article we will use a Docker Machine and Microsoft Azure to create and configure Docker Engine. As a result, we’ll be able to manage containers from the Cloud Shell.


Docker Machine

When people say “Docker” they typically mean Docker Engine, the client-server application made up of the Docker daemon, a REST API that specifies interfaces for interacting with the daemon, and a command line interface (CLI) client that talks to the daemon (through the REST API wrapper).

Docker Machine is a tool that lets install Docker Engine on virtual hosts, and manage the hosts (which could be a local machine or cloud provider) with docker-machine commands.

Azure Cloud Shell

Azure Cloud Shell is an interactive, browser-accessible shell for managing Azure resources. It provides the flexibility of choosing the shell experience that best suits the way you work. Linux users can opt for a Bash experience, while Windows users can opt for PowerShell. For this demo we need a Bash option.


Before we can start - we need to activate the Shell. For a fist run it would require to configure which subscription should be used for a Shell’s storage account:

Whereby is created new resource group with a storage account in it:


Docker machine creates Docker Engines on Azure and then configures the Docker client (which is a part of Azure Cloud Shell) to securely talk to them. By default Docker client is installed on Cloud Shell but a Docker engine isn’t accessible yet. Let’s verify that:

So now we can create a Docker engine (which means that we will create a new virtual machine) and connect to it using Docker client.


We can get an idea of what information Docker Machine needs by running “docker-machine create -d azure –help” or by viewing official documentaiton. Azure driver requires ‘–azure-subscription-id’ argument - an Azure Subscription Id, so than a whole command will look like like:

docker-machine create –driver azure –azure-subscription-id ‘subs-id’ ‘machine-name’

There are some additional parameters that we can use to fine-tune the behavior of a deployment. We will additionally specify a deployment’s resource group name/location and a virtual machine size:

docker-machine create –driver azure –azure-subscription-id ‘subs-id’ –azure-resource-group ‘docker-group’ –azure-location ‘northeurope’ –azure-size ‘Standard_D2s_v3’ ‘docker-vm-name’

After deployment is done we can assure oneself by executing ‘docker-machine list’ command:

Access configuration

By design docker-machine don’t limit an access to the newly created VM - SSH and Docker daemon ports (22 and 2376) are exposed to Internet.

We need to limit access to the Docker VM and allow access only from Cloud Shell IP. For that we can modify the Network Security Group.

As Cloud Shell don’t have a static public IP address we can use ‘AzureCloud’ service tag instead:

Connect to Docker-engine

To start using the Docker machine we need to set environment variables using “docker-machine env –shell /bin/bash ‘docker-vm-name’” command. But such solution works only until the shell’s session remains open. It is possible to evade this limitation by customizing ‘~/.bashrc’ login profile:

echo ‘eval “$(docker-machine env –shell /bin/bash ‘docker-vm-name’)”’ » ~/.bashrc


Once the Docker environment is configured we can start to use Docker CLI. For example, run the ‘azure-audit’ image: