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Azure Unmanaged Data Disk Encryption for IaaS VMs


This article details how to encrypt unmanaged data virtual disks on a Linux VM using the Azure CLI 2.0.

Virtual disks on Linux VMs are encrypted at rest using dm-crypt. Cryptographic keys are stored in Azure Key Vault. These cryptographic keys are used to encrypt and decrypt virtual disks attached to your VM.

Azure disk encryption has some limitations, which is important to bear in mind. In this article used configuration is following: Linux VM with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS / Standard DS1 v2 / Data disk is unmanaged and has 10 Gb capacity

Encryption scenarios:

  1. Long-running encryption (without formatting)
  2. Fast-running encryption (with formatting)

Long-running disk encryption

deploy_group="group"$(date +%s)
vm_name="vmname"$(date +%s)
vault_name="keyvaultname"$(date +%s)

az group create --name $deploy_group -l westeurope
az vm create -g $deploy_group -n $vm_name --image ubuntults --storage-sku Standard_LRS --use-unmanaged-disk
az vm unmanaged-disk attach -g $deploy_group --vm-name $vm_name --size-gb 10 --new

az keyvault create --name $vault_name --resource-group $deploy_group --enabled-for-disk-encryption

spn=($(az ad sp create-for-rbac -n $app_name --query [appId,password] -o tsv))
az keyvault set-policy --name $vault_name --spn ${spn[0]} --key-permissions wrapKey --secret-permissions set

az vm extension set --resource-group $deploy_group --vm-name $vm_name --name customScript --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions --settings '{  "commandToExecute": "sudo parted /dev/sdc mklabel msdos; sleep 30; sudo parted -a opt /dev/sdc mkpart primary ext4 0% 100%; sleep 30; sudo mkfs.ext4 -L '$disk_label' /dev/sdc1; sleep 30;"}'

az vm extension set --resource-group $deploy_group --vm-name $vm_name --name customScript --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions --settings '{  "commandToExecute": "sudo mkdir -p '$mount_point'; DATA_DISK_UUID=$(sudo blkid $(sudo blkid -L '$disk_label') -o value | grep \"[a-fA-F0-9]\{8\}-[a-fA-F0-9]\{4\}-[a-fA-F0-9]\{4\}-[a-fA-F0-9]\{4\}-[a-fA-F0-9]\{12\}\"); sudo echo \"UUID=$DATA_DISK_UUID '$mount_point' auto defaults,nofail 0 2\" >> /etc/fstab;"}'

az vm encryption enable --disk-encryption-keyvault $vault_name --name $vm_name --resource-group $deploy_group --aad-client-id ${spn[0]} --aad-client-secret ${spn[1]} --volume-type DATA

while [[ "$(az vm encryption show --name $vm_name --resource-group $deploy_group --query "dataDisk" -o tsv)" == "EncryptionInProgress" ]]
 echo "Disk is not encrypted yet. Next check after one minute."
 sleep 60

az vm restart -g $deploy_group -n $vm_name

Important aspect of such encryption is data device name - during encryption, the order of drives changes on the VM. For example on the next two images you can see that a device with UUID=”fcdfd67c-2172-4c81-8829-28052d1caebf” and LABEL=”encryptiondisk” has changed it name from /dev/sdc1 to /dev/mapper/75a2b91d-b3b1-4f87-adcf-985c3fc6528c. Which is why it is important to use UUID to specify data drives in /etc/fstab instead of specifying the block device name.


Before encrytion: Before encryption After encrytion: After encryption

Another important note about encryption proccess itself - it is recommended before encryption initialization make a disk backup and during encryption proccess do not connect to a virtual machine.

Fast-running encryption

In case of empty data disk encryption add flag –encrypt-format-all, so that a command would look like:

az vm encryption enable --disk-encryption-keyvault $vault_name --name $vm_name --resource-group $deploy_group --aad-client-id ${spn[0]} --aad-client-secret ${spn[1]} --volume-type DATA --encrypt-format-all


Before encrytion: Before encryption After encrytion: After encryption